South Lake Detachment Meeting Saturday 11/21/2020

Hello everyone,

We kick-off our fall 2020 return to face to face meetings with the Detachment’s first outside event. The venue is the communty park and boat launch area of Commandant Taylor’s Preston Cove neighborhood located off Lakeshore Drive next to the home at 11107 Preston Cove Rd., Clermont, FL 34711 (MAP).

Please remember to bring your own chair, observe social distancing and facemask usage for the safety of all.

Details for our upcoming South Lake Detachment meeting are as follows:

FORMAT: Business


DATE: Saturday, November 21, 2020

TIME: 11:00am to Noon

LOCATION: Preston Cove Commumity Park, 11107 Preston Cove Rd, Clermont, FL 34711 (MAP)

DRESS CODE: RED detachment polo shirt.


Please click HERE for February 2020 draft meeting minutes to be presented for adoption.


Please click HERE after the meeting to view February’s final adopted minutes.

Friendship, fellowship, and fun are the goals of our Detachment … as well as our events. We welcome each of you to please attend. See you there.

Yours in service,

Ray Taylor, Commandant Detachment #1120

Chief of Police Broadway to Speak at 2/18/2020 Detachment Meeting

Hello everyone,

We kick-off 2020 with an exciting new meeting format involving outside speakers. This format broadens and provides a richer overall experience to our membership.

Details for our upcoming South Lake Detachment meeting are as follows:

FORMAT: Speaker meeting

SPEAKER: Clermont Chief of Police Charles “Chuck” Broadway. Click HERE for bio.

DATE: Tuesday, February 18, 2020.

TIME: 6:30pm-7:30pm.

LOCATION: Clermont Firehouse Administration Building, 439 W. Hwy 50 (at 5th Street).

DRESS CODE: BLACK detachment polo shirt.


Please click HERE for January’s draft meeting minutes to be presented for adoption.


Please click HERE after the meeting to view January’s final adopted minutes.

Friendship, fellowship, and fun are the goals of our Detachment … as well as our events. We welcome each of you to please attend, to welcome Chief Broadway, and to make it a special gathering. See you there next Tuesday.

Yours in service,

Ray Taylor, Commandant Detachment #1120

January 21, 2020 Detachment Meeting Details

Hello everyone,

Thank you for your membership and interest in our Marine Corps League Detachment.

Details for our upcoming South Lake Detachment meeting are as follows:

FORMAT: Business meeting.

DATE: Tuesday, January 21, 2020.

TIME: 6:30pm-7:30pm.

LOCATION: Clermont Firehouse Administration Building, 439 W. Hwy 50 (at 5th Street).

DRESS CODE: RED detachment polo shirt.


Please click HERE for December’s meeting minutes to be presented for adoption.


Please click HERE after the meeting to view December’s final adopted minutes.

Friendship, fellowship, and fun are the goals of our Detachment … as well as our events. We welcome each of you to please attend and make it a special gathering. See you there next Tuesday.

Yours in service,

Jack Lawrence, Acting Commandant Detachment #1120

2019: A Year of Accomplishments

This year has been significant in many ways. Through his leadership, Commandant Rufino Garcia increased the frequency and regularity of our visits with veterans in assisted living. Our outreach and support also included cosponsoring the Memorial Day and Veterans Day tributes at the Clermont Waterfront Park Pavilion which was led by Andy Smith. The Ceremonial team led by Collin Cotterell supported those events as well as several other commemorative proceedings such as the 9/11 service, and honored fallen Marines at their funerals.

With the support of Commandant Garcia, the Officers, and the Detachment, we undertook an advertising and publicity campaign that included articles and ads in local publications, and a new recruiting brochure that has elevated our profile with local government, civic, and business leaders. In addition, members set up tables outside local stores and set up a table at the Red, White, and BOOM! Independence Day celebration. Recruiting is critical to our future.

The Communications committee, led by former Adjutant Lu Garcia, published several newsletters, one of which was distributed widely among local community leaders. The website received greatly increased traffic because of the advertising and communications. Our oo-RAH! newsletter gets good circulation.

Fundraising was successful. The Detachment created our first challenge coin; Quartermaster Cotterell kept our Ship’s Store filled and kept the sales going. We introduced our new  R.E.D. (Remember Everyone Deployed) shirts which sold fast necessitating a second order with a few months. In addition, our Bingo committee led by Ray Taylor continues to be successful. We held fundraisers at Outback Steakhouse and Texas Roadhouse. By keeping our finances healthy, we are able to support our community and our Detachment. We are appreciative of Wilfredo Gomez for keeping track of the comings and goings of our treasury.

We increased our funding of scholarships to the South Lake High School Navy Junior ROTC, Boy Scouts of America Troop 784, and support to local veterans in need. Our healthy finances allowed us to support to our own initiatives such as Toys for Tots and veterans outreach.

Our Toys for Tots campaign, led by Ron Chappo and supported by Wally and Emily Hornbaker and several Detachment members, was another success. We were able to distribute hundreds of toys to deserving families and increased the number of businesses collecting for us.

Jim Donovan fronted the expense of our storage shed, which allowed us to lower the cost of storage and to better organize our materials.

We had excellent participation at the Department of Florida Spring Conference and made good contacts at the Annual Convention and Fall Conference.

Our Detachment’s social life is just plain awesome! Diane Taylor and her committee (Lu Garcia, Emily Hornbaker, and Andrea Lawrence) have coordinated excellent events as well as monthly dinners. Former Commandant Rufino Garcia said it best, “Including our families has made the Detachment much stronger and has increased overall membership and participation.”

Throughout the year, Commandant Garcia called on every  member to come together and join in camaraderie by attending meetings and volunteering where needed. He and our other former Commandants have set the stage for a successful 2020. Several of our members invited guests to our meetings and we have gained new members because of this outreach.

Although we have faced many personal challenges in 2019, we have persevered in spite of them. In the last Detachment business meeting, we heard heartfelt thanks from members who appreciated the brotherhood and care and concern that our Detachment is known for. “Marines take care of Marines.”

Next year will be led by incoming Commandant Ray Taylor, myself as Senior Vice Commandant, Rob Keith as Junior Commandant, and Collin Cotterell as Judge Advocate. Other executive appointments will be made and announced in January.

Have a safe and happy holiday season.

Semper Fi!

Acting Commandant Jack Lawrence

December 2019 Detachment Meeting Details

Hello everyone,

Thank you for your membership and interest in our Marine Corps League Detachment.

Details for our upcoming South Lake Detachment meeting are as follows:

FORMAT: Business meeting.

DATE: Tuesday, December 17, 2019.

TIME: 6:30pm-7:30pm.

LOCATION: Clermont Firehouse Administration Building, 439 W. Hwy 50 (at 5th Street).

DRESS CODE: BLACK detachment polo shirt.


Please click HERE for November’s meeting minutes to be presented for adoption.


Please click HERE after the meeting to view November’s final adopted minutes.

Friendship, fellowship, and fun are the goals of our Detachment … as well as our events. We welcome each of you to please attend and make it a special gathering. See you there next Tuesday.

Yours in service,

Jack Lawrence, Acting Commandant Detachment #1120

Message From the Acting Commandant

To Our Marine Corps League Detachment Members and Families,

These past several months have been very trying for our Detachment. We have experienced entirely too many distressful occurrences.

Most recently, we learned of our Commandant's illness while vacationing out of state. We were alarmed at the distressing illness of our Senior Vice Commandant and his need for serious treatment. We were greatly saddened by the unexpected passing of our past Commandant's mother. Other members, spouses, and close family members have suffered injuries and illnesses and worse during this past year as well.

We are injured and we are wounded but we are not down! The unity and cohesiveness of our Detachment will carry us through these rough times and will in some measure make us stronger in the future. I can feel it happening already. We have come together in strength.

As your acting Commandant, I truly wish the best for our extended Marine Corps League family during this Holiday Season and beyond.

We will continue to pull together for the common good and ultimate mission of the Marine Corps League and we will look forward to a renewed strength within our ranks in the coming year.

Semper Fi and Bless Us All.

Yours in camaraderie,
Jack Lawrence
Acting Commandant
South Lake Marine Corps League
Detachment 1120

November 2019 Detachment Meeting Details

Hello everyone,

Thank you for your membership and interest in our Marine Corps League Detachment.

Details for our upcoming South Lake Detachment meeting are as follows:

FORMAT: Business meeting.

DATE: Tuesday, November 19, 2019.

TIME: 6:30pm-7:30pm.

LOCATION: Clermont Firehouse Administration Building, 439 W. Hwy 50 (at 5th Street).

DRESS CODE: RED detachment polo shirt.


Please click HERE for October’s meeting minutes to be presented for adoption.


Please click HERE after the meeting to view October’s final adopted minutes.

Friendship, fellowship, and fun are the goals of our Detachment … as well as our events. We welcome each of you to please attend and make it a special gathering. See you there next Tuesday.

Yours in service,

Rufino Garcia, Commandant Detachment #1120

Commandant Reminder

Hello members, friends and supporters of our South Lake County Florida Detachment.

The Commandant wishes to remind us all of the upcoming Detachment Night hosted by the Texas Roadhouse of Clermont from 5-9PM on Monday, November 18, 2019.

See the event listing HERE.

Just bring a copy of this FLYER with you to the restaurant between 5 to 9PM, and 10% of your food purchases will be donated to the Detachment.

Please mark your calendars and invite your friends and neighbors as well. See you there.

October 2019 Detachment Meeting Details

Hello everyone,

Thank you for your membership and interest in our Marine Corps League Detachment.

Details for our upcoming Sgt. I.W.Hatcher, Jr. Detachment #1120 meeting are as follows:

FORMAT: Business meeting.

DATE: Tuesday, October 15, 2019.

TIME: 6:30pm-7:30pm.

LOCATION: Clermont Firehouse Administration Building, 439 W. Hwy 50 (at 5th Street).

DRESS CODE: BLACK detachment polo shirt.


Please click HERE for September meeting minutes to be presented for adoption and final minutes adopted after the meeting.

Friendship, fellowship, and fun are the goals of our Detachment … as well as our events. We welcome each of you to please attend and make it a special gathering. See you there next Tuesday.

Yours in service,

Rufino Garcia, Commandant Detachment #1120

September 2019 Detachment Meeting Details

Hello everyone,

Thank you for your membership and interest in our Marine Corps League Detachment.

Details for our upcoming Sgt. I.W.Hatcher, Jr. Detachment #1120 meeting are as follows:

FORMAT: Business meeting.

DATE: Tuesday, September 17, 2019.

TIME: 6:30pm-7:30pm.

LOCATION: Clermont Firehouse Administration Building, 439 W. Hwy 50 (at 5th Street).

DRESS CODE: UNDRESSED BLUES if not available then RED detachment polo shirt.


Please click HERE for July’s meeting minutes to be presented for adoption.

Please click HERE for August’s meeting minutes to be presented for adoption.


Please click HERE after the meeting to view July’s final adopted minutes.

Please click HERE after the meeting to view August’s final adopted minutes.

Friendship, fellowship, and fun are the goals of our Detachment … as well as our events. We welcome each of you to please attend and make it a special gathering. See you there next Tuesday.

Yours in service,

Rufino Garcia, Commandant Detachment #1120

September 2019 oo-RAH!! Newsletter is Here!!

Good morning.

Please find the new September 2019 edition of our oo-RAH!! newsletter HERE.

Andrea Lawrence did it again with an expanded issue loaded with useful content. Don’t miss it.

Thank you Andrea. And thank all who read this blog posting for your continued support of our Detachment.

Rufino Garcia, Commandant

oo-RAH!! Newsletter for August 2019

Good morning.

Please find the August 2019 edition of our oo-RAH!! newsletter HERE.

Andrea Lawrence did it again with an issue loaded with helpful and interesting information.

Thank you Andrea. And thank all who read this blog posting for your continued support of our Detachment.

Finally remember to join us at the Clermont Outback on Tuesday August 13, 2019 for our spirit event where 10% of your bill is donated to the Detachment. See detailed HERE.

See you there.

Rufino Garcia, Commandant

Important Announcements !!!

Good morning members and friends of Detachment #1120.

Two important announcements today:

  1. A reminder to please come to the Clermont Outback Steakhouse anytime on Tuesdays July 30th and August 13th between 11:00AM and closing to participate in our MCL Spirit Event. Just click on the dates for more details.

    For any patron all through the day who mentions to their server they are there for the MCL event, Outback has pledged to donate 10% of the value of meal back to the Detachment. The Detachment will have representatives on-site to raise awareness as well as assist folks. Please come and tell your friends and neighbors.

  2. Please join me in our monthly veterans outreach event at the Clermont Health and Rehabilitation Center (corner of East and Minnehaha Ave’s) on Thursday, July 25th from 3-4PM. These fine folks truly appreciate the visit from our Detachment. Come help and show your appreciation.

Yours in service,

Ruffino Garcia, Commandant

July 2019 Detachment Meeting Details

Hello everyone,

Thank you for your membership and interest in our Marine Corps League Detachment.

Details for our upcoming Sgt. I.W.Hatcher, Jr. Detachment #1120 meeting are as follows:

FORMAT: Business meeting.

DATE: Tuesday, July 16, 2019.

TIME: 6:30pm-7:30pm.

LOCATION: Clermont Firehouse Administration Building, 439 W. Hwy 50 (at 5th Street).

DRESS CODE: BLACK detachment polo shirt.

DRAFT MINUTES: Please click HERE to view prior meeting minutes to be presented for adoption.

FINAL MINUTES: Please click HERE to view final adopted minutes.

Friendship, fellowship, and fun are the goals of our Detachment … as well as our events. We welcome each of you to please attend and make it a special gathering. See you there next Tuesday.

Yours in service,

Rufino Garcia, Commandant Detachment #1120

oo-RAH!! Newsletter for July 2019

Good morning.

Please find the July 2019 edition of our oo-RAH!! newsletter HERE.

Created by our own Andrea Lawrence, it again is loaded with helpful and interesting information.

Thank you Andrea. And thank all who read this blog posting for your continued support of our Detachment.

Finally remember to join us at the Clermont Waterfront on July 4th beginning at 6PM for the Red, White, and Boom! event.

See you there.

Rufino Garcia, Commandant