Come one, Come all ... June Meeting Details

Hello everyone,

Thank you for your membership and interest in our Marine Corps League Detachment.

Details for our upcoming Sgt. I.W.Hatcher, Jr. Detachment #1120 meeting are as follows:

FORMAT: Business meeting.

DATE: Tuesday, June 18, 2019.

TIME: 6:30pm-7:30pm.

LOCATION: Clermont Firehouse Administration Building, 439 W. Hwy 50 (at 5th Street).

DRESS CODE: RED detachment polo shirt.

DRAFT MINUTES: Please click HERE to view prior meeting minutes to be presented for adoption.

FINAL MINUTES: Please click HERE to view final adopted minutes.

Friendship, fellowship, and fun are the goals of our Detachment … as well as our events. We welcome each of you to please attend and make it a special gathering. See you there next Tuesday.

Yours in service,

Rufino Garcia, Commandant Detachment #1120

Upcoming Detachment Meeting ...

Hello everyone,

Thank you for your membership and interest in our Marine Corps League Detachment.

Details for our upcoming Sgt. I.W.Hatcher, Jr. Detachment #1120 meeting are as follows:

FORMAT: Business meeting.

DATE: Tuesday, May 21, 2019.

TIME: 6:30pm-7:30pm.

LOCATION: Clermont Firehouse Administration Building, 439 W. Hwy 50 (at 5th Street).

DRESS CODE: BLACK detachment polo shirt.

DRAFT MINUTES: Please click HERE to view prior meeting minutes to be presented for adoption.

FINAL MINUTES: Please click HERE to view final adopted minutes.

Friendship, fellowship, and fun are the goals of our Detachment … as well as our events. We welcome each of you to please attend and make it a special gathering. See you there next Tuesday.

Yours in service,

Rufino Garcia, Commandant Detachment #1120

Next Tuesday Meeting ...

Hello everyone,

Thank you for your membership and interest in our Marine Corps League Detachment.

Details for our upcoming Sgt. I.W.Hatcher, Jr. Detachment #1120 meeting are as follows:

FORMAT: Business meeting.

DATE: Tuesday, April 16, 2019.

TIME: 6:30pm-7:30pm.

LOCATION: Clermont Firehouse Administration Building, 439 W. Hwy 50 (at 5th Street).

DRESS CODE: RED detachment polo shirt.

DRAFT MINUTES: Please click HERE to view prior meeting minutes to be presented for adoption.

FINAL MINUTES: Please click HERE to view final adopted minutes.

Friendship, fellowship, and fun are the goals of our Detachment … as well as our events. We welcome each of you to please attend and make it a special gathering. See you there next Tuesday.

Yours in service,

Rufino Garcia, Commandant Detachment #1120

Come to the Meeting!!

Hello everyone,

Thank you for your membership and interest in our Marine Corps League Detachment.

Details for our upcoming Sgt. I.W.Hatcher, Jr. Detachment #1120 meeting are as follows:

FORMAT: Business meeting.

DATE: Tuesday, March 19, 2019.

TIME: 6:30pm-7:30pm.

LOCATION: Clermont Firehouse Administration Building, 439 W. Hwy 50 (at 5th Street).

DRESS CODE: BLACK detachment polo shirt.

DRAFT MINUTES: Please click HERE to view prior meeting minutes to be presented for adoption.

FINAL MINUTES: Please view final adopted minutes HERE.

Friendship, fellowship, and fun are the goals of our Detachment … as well as our events. We welcome each of you to please attend and make it a special gathering. See you there next Tuesday.

Yours in service,

Rufino Garcia, Commandant Detachment #1120

News ....

Dear members and friends,

Thanks to those attending this month’s Detachment meeting. Much fun and fellowship had by all.

2019 is shaping up to be an exciting year ahead. The new leadership team have much in store.

Please see Commandant Garcia’s remarks at the meeting HERE.

Also please see remarks from the Marine Corps League Seven State Southeast US Region Commandant Archie Sweet regarding leadership and participation HERE. Commandant Garcia committed to follow this guidance.

We ask everyone receiving this message to think of one former Marine in the area or one non-Marine who would like to participate in the Detachment. Just email their contact information to or call 352-272-7760 and we’ll do the rest. Thank you.

Finally, our extraordinary Andrea Lawrence is back. Her first project is this Detachment calendar (HERE) to be printed out for your use. Remember things do change, so please check the website Event page HERE for the most up to date calendar.

Thank you, as always, for your support of the Sgt. I.W. Hatcher, Jr. Detachment #1120.

Meeting Announcement

Hello everyone,

Thank you for your membership and interest in our Marine Corps League Detachment.

To make better use of our Detachment resources, we are changing the format of our announcements to a blog entry style with follow-up Detachment email.

For business meetings, rather than two (2) separate, personal emails for the meeting announcement and the prior meeting minutes, we put them both into this single blog entry. See a link below to view the prior meeting minutes that will be presented for adoption.

Details for our upcoming Sgt. I.W.Hatcher, Jr. Detachment #1120 meeting are as follows:

FORMAT: Business meeting.

DATE: Tuesday, February 19, 2019.

TIME: 6:30pm-7:30pm.

LOCATION: Clermont Firehouse Administration Building, 439 W. Hwy 50 (at 5th Street).

DRESS CODE: RED detachment polo shirt.

DRAFT MINUTES: Please click HERE to view prior meeting minutes to be presented for adoption.

FINAL MINUTES: Please view final adopted minutes HERE.

Friendship, fellowship, and fun are the goals of our Detachment … as well as our events. We welcome each of you to please attend and make it a special gathering. See you there next Tuesday.

Yours in service,

Rufino Garcia, Commandant Detachment #1120

Detachment Officers Inducted

Dear members and friends of South Lake Detachment #1120,

At the regularly scheduled meeting this past Tuesday, January 15, 2019, Past Commandant Collin A. Cotterell conducted an induction ceremony for the incoming 2019 Detachment leadership.

The complete list of Commandant Rufino Garcia’s team may be found HERE. The Detachment wishes to thank all the outgoing leadership for their dedication and service and welcome Commandant Garcia and the new team coming on board. A picture of Commandant Garcia receiving the gavel from outgoing Commandant Taylor may be found HERE.

Also during the meeting Ira Goldberg was awarded the 2018 Detachment Marine of the Year. Ira has been tireless in his work to the Detachment including serving as Sergeant-at-Arms and membership on the Ceremonial Unit. A picture of Ira and outgoing Commandant Ray Taylor may be found HERE.

Finally, a photo album of the meeting graciously taken by member Bob Kane may be found HERE.l

Clermont Chief Bishop & Asst. McDuffee Awarded Membership

Tonight at the City of Clermont Council meeting Commandant Ray Taylor and Past Commandant Collin Cotterell awarded honorary associate memberships to Fire Chief Carle Bishop and Assistant Pamela McDuffee for their service to the detachment's Toys for Tots program.

Watch a video of the ceremony HERE for more details.

Chief Bishop also is allowing use of his department training center for our monthly business meetings.  Thank you Chief for all you and Ms. McDuffee do for us!

2017 Detachment Leadership Sworn In

Last night, Ray Taylor was installed as Commandant of Sgt. I.W. Hatcher Jr. Detachment #1120.  Ray previously served as Sr. Vice Commandant the past two years supporting outgoing Commandant Collin Cotterell.

The complete 2017 leadership team may be found on the Detachment #1120 website HERE.

Congratulations to all incoming officers for their willingness to serve.  Also thanks to the 2016 leadership team for a job well done.

Hot Off The Presses ... oo RAH! Fall Edition

Please click HERE to view the online version of Andrea Lawrence's 2016 Fall Edition of the Detachment's newsletter oo-RAH!.  

Andrea produced another fantastic edition.  To download a copy click DOWNLOAD.

Be sure to pass along to your friends and family for their enjoyment as well.  To have them receive the edition directly, just have them sign up through the Detachment contact page HERE

Just Another Tool For Your Toolbox

Below, Sgt. Maj. Collin Cotterell, USMC (Ret.), Detachment Commandant, continues his series on leadership.

Leaders shape our nation, communities, and organizations. Good leaders help guide us and make the essential large-scale decisions that keep the world moving. Our society usually quickly identifies a bad leader, but what about a good one? What makes a good leader? Great leaders, according to research, consistently possess these characteristics:

  • Honesty
  • Ability to delegate
  • Sense of humor
  • Confidence
  • Commitments
  • Positive Attitude
  • Creativity
  • Ability to Inspire
  • Intuition
  • Communication

While many powerful and successful leaders have not exhibited all of these character traits continuously, and the definition of a good leader is quite ambiguous, most good leaders do leverage at least some of these characteristics. Take someone you view as a great leader- how many of these characteristics do they express? If the characteristics of a good leader above do not describe you, there are ways for you to improve upon leadership capabilities. Like any craft, leadership requires you to learn from your mistakes and continually work at strengthening your weak areas. Seek out a mentor that you admire as a leader. Jot down the characteristics that you feel makes them a greater leader, so as to determine what they did along the way to be the leader they are today.

The Marine leader has been taught to lead, not to manage. They had been taught a good leader must also be a good follower. Leadership is the glue that holds the Corps together. It was leaders with vision and courage who were responsible for the Corps' transformation from small forces assigned to serve aboard Naval vessels to its status today. Many say leaders are born not made.


Recent Dinner Event Pictures

Enjoy pictures, courtesy of Flor Gomez, from the latest monthly group dinner event held this past Tuesday at Gator Docksides in Clermont.

Click HERE for our the FLIKR album of this event and all our past photos.

Diane Taylor hosts this event each month for members, family, and friends of detachment #1120.  If you are not on her invitation list and wish to be, please send an email to