Detachment Officers Inducted

Dear members and friends of South Lake Detachment #1120,

At the regularly scheduled meeting this past Tuesday, January 15, 2019, Past Commandant Collin A. Cotterell conducted an induction ceremony for the incoming 2019 Detachment leadership.

The complete list of Commandant Rufino Garcia’s team may be found HERE. The Detachment wishes to thank all the outgoing leadership for their dedication and service and welcome Commandant Garcia and the new team coming on board. A picture of Commandant Garcia receiving the gavel from outgoing Commandant Taylor may be found HERE.

Also during the meeting Ira Goldberg was awarded the 2018 Detachment Marine of the Year. Ira has been tireless in his work to the Detachment including serving as Sergeant-at-Arms and membership on the Ceremonial Unit. A picture of Ira and outgoing Commandant Ray Taylor may be found HERE.

Finally, a photo album of the meeting graciously taken by member Bob Kane may be found HERE.l