My fellow Marines, Associate Members, and friends of the South Lake Detachment are you an inspired leader? Did you know there are eight (8) key leadership principles that every leader at every level should know? Each month I will publish two (2) of these principles for everyone to read. Thank you, Sgt. Maj. Collin Cotterell, USMC (Ret), Detachment Commandant.
Principle 1
Great leadership begins with the person, not the position. Before you can lead others, you must first manage yourself. Leadership is not so much a position you hold as it is a set of disciplines and behaviors you practice. The first and most fundamental of which is self discipline. A leader without self discipline is a disaster waiting to happen.
Principle 2
Great leadership is about your level of influence, not your level of authority. People follow the leader first and the vision second. If people aren't committed to you, they will not be committed to the vision you communicate. Always seek to have your level of influence exceed your level of authority. Indeed, your influence is your authority. You establish your personal credibility and authority by consistently living your core values and demonstrating that you are a person other people want to follow.