At a recent Detachment meeting over 1/2 the room, including me, raised their hands when asked who felt they were suffering with PTSD. The VA and many other outstanding organizations want to provide aid and comfort. The question becomes "What can we do to help them, help us?".
1. Learn their language. All professionals use jargon. We do it in the USMC. So do they. Study the symptoms of PTSD, and communicate those you are experiencing in the exact same terms.
2. Come prepared. As Marines we are trained to come prepared. For help-givers to engage they need a full and complete understanding of your prior medical history. You should collect these records using a Form 10-5345 for each location where you received treatment.
3. Come as you are. Help-givers need to see you as you live your normal life. Avoid "Marine Proud". Just come as you are on any other day.
Please contact me ( or share your experiences in the comments section.