Hello everyone,
Come one, come all. Thank you for your interest in our Marine Corps League Detachment.
We invite you to a special Fellowship Event open to all interested in our Detachment (you do not need to be a member). It will be held outside under the Minneola City Hall canopy beginning at 5pm. Light refreshments provided.
Please remember to bring your mask and follow Florida Department of Health guidelines. Our regular Detachment business meeting for membership will follow inside City Hall beginning at 6:30pm.
Please do come to the Fellowship event if your schedule allows.
Details are as follows:
FORMAT: Fellowship Event open to all, followed by business meeting for membership.
DATE: Thursday, February 18, 2021.
TIME: 5:00pm-6:00pm (business meeting to begin 6:30pm).
LOCATION: Minneola City Hall, 800 US Hwy 27 North, Minneola, FL 34715 (MAP).
MEMBERSHIP DRESS CODE: RED detachment polo shirt.
Friendship, fellowship, and fun are the goals of our Detachment … as well as our events. We welcome each of you to please attend and make it a special gathering. See you there this Thursday.
Yours in service,
Rob Keith, Commandant South Lake Detachment #1120