For the past few months you had the opportunity to read about the Eight Principles of Leadership. Now let's take a look at Ten Principles of Effective and Authentic Leadership.
There is a great amount of definitions and theories about Effective Leadership. Each leader chooses their unique styles of success; however, there are keys to authentic leadership that can't be ignored. Over the next four months I will publish these principles for everyone to read. Thank you, Sgt. Maj. Collin Cotterell, USMC (Ret), Detachment Commandant.
(1) Leadership is Behavior, Not Position.
Leaders are the ones who take responsibility for making decisions and bringing change. Leaders are the ones who empower people to discover and use their greatest potential. The executive position on someone's visit card won'tdo all of these. People are the ones to choose their leaders. And how will they do that? They will judge by behavior, attitude and actions. If you want to be a leader, then act like a leader and shape a better reality.
(2) The Best Way of Influence Is Setting an Example.
Each leader wants to get the best of their team. Excellence orientation is great, as there is always need for development. But here is the simple truth. Instead of telling your team members what to do, show it to them by your own example. They are following you each and every moment. Practice what you preach, and the results will astonish you. Especially during hard times, when chances to give up are very big, you should be the ones who faces obstacles with confidence and determination towards success. Be sure, they will do the same and stand by your side.