My fellow Marines, Associate Members, and friends of the South Lake Detachment are you an inspired leader? Did you know there are eight (8) key leadership principles that every leader at every level should know? Each month I will publish two (2) of these principles for everyone to read. Thank you, Sgt. Maj. Collin Cotterell, USMC (Ret), Detachment Commandant.
Principle 5
Before you can lead, you must first learn to follow. Great leaders are great followers. They are humble. They do not always need to be in charge. They understand the impact of great followership. If you don't understand the dynamic of followership, then you don't understand the dynamics of leading. Many people in positions of authority are ineffective leaders precisely because they are not good followers.
Principle 6
Great leaders create stability and drive change. Effective leaders build and maintain a changeless core. From that foundation they drive continuous change and improvement. The changeless core is deep, unwavering commitment to share value that gives people meaning and identity beyond their role in the organization and beyond circumstances the organization or it's people may be facing. The commitment to continuous change derives from the leader's recognition that success requires constant adjustment and continuous improvement. Today's world deals ruthlessly with people and organizations who fail to adapt and change.