May 16, 2023 Meeting Announcement

Good morning friends and members of South Lake Detachment #1120.

Our Tuesday, May 16, 2023 monthly event is next week.

A new requirement for 2023 coming from the Department of Florida requires all members to show their current MCL membership card for access to the business meeting portion of the event.

Meeting details as follows:

FORMAT: Fellowship Event open to all, followed by business meeting for membership.

DATE: Tuesday, May 16, 2022.

TIME: 5:00pm-6:00pm (business meeting to begin 6:30pm).

LOCATION: Minneola City Hall, 800 US Hwy 27 North, Minneola, FL 34715 (MAP).

MEMBERSHIP DRESS CODE: RED detachment polo shirt with MCL Cover.



Friendship, fellowship, and fun are the goals of our Detachment … as well as our events. We welcome each of you to please attend and make it a special gathering. See you there next Tuesday.

Yours in service,

Rob Keith, Commandant South Lake Detachment #1120

Department of Florida Commandant to Attend April 18, 2023 Meeting

Good morning friends and members of South Lake Detachment #1120.

The Detachment is pleased to host Department of Florida Commandant Scott Westervelt (LINK) at this month’s April 18, 2023 meeting. Please make a special effort to attend and make him feel welcome.

Meeting details as follows:

FORMAT: Fellowship Event open to all, followed by business meeting for membership.

DATE: Tuesday, April 18, 2022.

TIME: 5:00pm-6:00pm (business meeting to begin 6:30pm).

LOCATION: Minneola City Hall, 800 US Hwy 27 North, Minneola, FL 34715 (MAP).

MEMBERSHIP DRESS CODE: UNDRESS UNIFORM or RED detachment polo shirt with MCL Cover.

IDENTIFICATION: Current MCL membership card for access to the business meeting.



Friendship, fellowship, and fun are the goals of our Detachment … as well as our events. We welcome each of you to please attend and make it a special gathering. See you there next Tuesday.

Yours in service,

Rob Keith, Commandant South Lake Detachment #1120

March 2023 Meeting Announcement

Good morning friends and members of South Lake Detachment #1120.

Our March 21, 2023 event includes adopting revised Detachment ByLaws required by the Department of Florida Marine Corps League. The proposed new ByLaws may be reviewed at this LINK.

A new requirement for 2023 coming from the Department of Florida requires all members to show their current MCL membership card for access to the business meeting portion of the event.

Meeting details as follows:

FORMAT: Fellowship Event open to all, followed by business meeting for membership.

DATE: Tuesday, March 21, 2022.

TIME: 5:00pm-6:00pm (business meeting to begin 6:30pm).

LOCATION: Minneola City Hall, 800 US Hwy 27 North, Minneola, FL 34715 (MAP).

MEMBERSHIP DRESS CODE: BLACK detachment polo shirt with MCL Cover.



Friendship, fellowship, and fun are the goals of our Detachment … as well as our events. We welcome each of you to please attend and make it a special gathering. See you there next Tuesday.

Yours in service,

Rob Keith, Commandant South Lake Detachment #1120

February 2023 Meeting Announcement

Good morning friends and members of South Lake Detachment #1120.

Our February 21, 2023 event includes revised Detachment ByLaws required by the Department of Florida Marine Corps League.

A new requirement for 2023 coming from the Department of Florida requires all members to show their current MCL membership card for access to the business meeting portion of the event.

Meeting details as follows:

FORMAT: Fellowship Event open to all, followed by business meeting for membership.

DATE: Tuesday, February 21, 2022.

TIME: 5:00pm-6:00pm (business meeting to begin 6:30pm).

LOCATION: Minneola City Hall, 800 US Hwy 27 North, Minneola, FL 34715 (MAP).

MEMBERSHIP DRESS CODE: RED detachment polo shirt with MCL Cover.



Friendship, fellowship, and fun are the goals of our Detachment … as well as our events. We welcome each of you to please attend and make it a special gathering. See you there next Tuesday.

Yours in service,

Rob Keith, Commandant South Lake Detachment #1120

January 2023 Meeting Announcement

Good morning friends and members of South Lake Detachment #1120.

Our January 17, 2023 event includes installation of the Detachment 2023 Leadership team as well as a presentation from the Community Foundation of South Lake County.

A new requirement for 2023 coming from the Department of Florida requires all members to show their current MCL membership card for access to the business meeting portion of the event.

Meeting details as follows:

FORMAT: Fellowship Event open to all, followed by business meeting for membership.

DATE: Tuesday, January 17, 2022.

TIME: 5:00pm-6:00pm (business meeting to begin 6:30pm).

LOCATION: Minneola City Hall, 800 US Hwy 27 North, Minneola, FL 34715 (MAP).

MEMBERSHIP DRESS CODE: UNDRESS UNIFORM or RED detachment polo shirt with MCL Cover.



Friendship, fellowship, and fun are the goals of our Detachment … as well as our events. We welcome each of you to please attend and make it a special gathering. See you there next Tuesday.

Yours in service,

Rob Keith, Commandant South Lake Detachment #1120

December 2022 Meeting Announcement

Good morning friends and members of South Lake Detachment #1120.

Our December 20, 2022 event will include elections for the four (4) 2023 Detachment leadership posts (Commandant, Senior Vice-Commandant, Junior Vice Commandant and Judge Advocate).

Those regular members unable to attend, but wishing to serve in 2023, please email Judge Advocate Al Edwards at with your desired leadership post and your willingness to serve if elected.

If you are delinquent in paying your 2023 annual dues of $39.00, which were due in August, please bring a check or cash to take care of this obligation.

Meeting details as follows:

FORMAT: Fellowship Event open to all, followed by business meeting for membership.

DATE: Tuesday, December 20, 2022.

TIME: 5:00pm-6:00pm (business meeting to begin 6:30pm).

LOCATION: Minneola City Hall, 800 US Hwy 27 North, Minneola, FL 34715 (MAP).

MEMBERSHIP DRESS CODE: BLACK detachment polo shirt with MCL Cover.



Friendship, fellowship, and fun are the goals of our Detachment … as well as our events. We welcome each of you to please attend and make it a special gathering. See you there next Tuesday.

Yours in service,

Rob Keith, Commandant South Lake Detachment #1120

November 2022 Meeting Announcement

Good morning friends and members of South Lake Detachment #1120.

For our November 15, 2022 event, Fellowship hour begins at 5pm, followed by the regular Detachment business meeting for membership at 6:30pm.

If you are delinquent in paying for 2023 annual dues, which were due in August, please bring a check or cash to take care of this obligation at this meeting.

Meeting details as follows:

FORMAT: Fellowship Event open to all, followed by business meeting for membership.

DATE: Tuesday, November 15, 2022.

TIME: 5:00pm-6:00pm (business meeting to begin 6:30pm).

LOCATION: Minneola City Hall, 800 US Hwy 27 North, Minneola, FL 34715 (MAP).

MEMBERSHIP DRESS CODE: RED detachment polo shirt with MCL Cover.



Friendship, fellowship, and fun are the goals of our Detachment … as well as our events. We welcome each of you to please attend and make it a special gathering. See you there next Tuesday.

Yours in service,

Rob Keith, Commandant South Lake Detachment #1120

October 2022 MCL Meeting Announcement

Good morning friends and members of South Lake Detachment #1120.

For our October 18, 2022 event, Fellowship hour begins at 5pm, followed by the regular Detachment business meeting for membership at 6:30pm.

If you are delinquent in paying for 2023 annual dues, which were due in August, please bring a check or cash to take care of this obligation at this meeting.

Meeting details as follows:

FORMAT: Fellowship Event open to all, followed by business meeting for membership.

DATE: Tuesday, October 18, 2022.

TIME: 5:00pm-6:00pm (business meeting to begin 6:30pm).

LOCATION: Minneola City Hall, 800 US Hwy 27 North, Minneola, FL 34715 (MAP).

MEMBERSHIP DRESS CODE: Undressed Uniform or RED detachment polo shirt with MCL Cover.



Friendship, fellowship, and fun are the goals of our Detachment … as well as our events. We welcome each of you to please attend and make it a special gathering. See you there next Tuesday.

Yours in service,

Rob Keith, Commandant South Lake Detachment #1120

Assistance Available for Impacts of Hurricane Ian

Good morning members and supporters of our Southlake Detachment.

As our community recovers from hurricane Ian thankful that matters were not worse. We understand each person’s individual situation will vary.

The Marine Corps League and our detachment is here to help those in need.

Please reach out through our email account with requests of assistance. We will do our best to assist. Thank you. Be well. Stay safe.

Veterans Oasis sponsored by South Lake Chamber of Commerce - FREE September 22, 2022

The Veterans Oasis is a business expo and structured seminar to provide resources for Veterans who are entering the workforce or starting a business.
Our Speakers include:
Jose Molfino, Small Business Development Center
Helen G. Sneed, Drive the Goal
Matt Wood, Suiting Green
Jonathan Quiceno, Expert Home Service

Date and Time Thursday Sep 22, 2022
5:00 PM - 7:30 PM EDT

Doors open at 5:00 p.m.
Program begins at 5:30 p.m.


E.L. Puryear Building
243 S. Lake Ave. Groveland, FL 34736


Free to attend

September 2022 MCL Meeting Announcement

Good morning friends and members of South Lake Detachment #1120.

For our September 20, 2022 event, Fellowship hour begins at 5pm, followed by the regular Detachment business meeting for membership at 6:30pm.

For members please bring your checkbook or cash to pay for 2023 annual dues , and also a check if you would like to reserve attendance to the Marine Corps Ball at the Villages on Nov 6, 2022..

Meeting details as follows:

FORMAT: Fellowship Event open to all, followed by business meeting for membership.

DATE: Tuesday, September 20, 2022.

TIME: 5:00pm-6:00pm (business meeting to begin 6:30pm).

LOCATION: Minneola City Hall, 800 US Hwy 27 North, Minneola, FL 34715 (MAP).

MEMBERSHIP DRESS CODE: BLACK detachment polo shirt with MCL Cover.



Friendship, fellowship, and fun are the goals of our Detachment … as well as our events. We welcome each of you to please attend and make it a special gathering. See you there next Tuesday.

Yours in service,

Rob Keith, Commandant South Lake Detachment #1120

Support Detachment Ceremonial Team at Sunday's 9/11 Rememberance Event

CLERMONT – To commemorate and honor those lost in the terrorist attacks of 2001, the City of Clermont will host its annual 9/11 Memorial Ceremony. The ceremony will be held Sunday, Sept. 11 at 2 p.m. at the Clermont Arts and Recreation Center, 3700 South Highway 27. (MAP)

The Detachment Ceremonial Team will participate.

Clermont Police Chief Charles Broadway, a former New York City Police detective who responded to Ground Zero and assisted with search and recovery efforts, and Clermont Police Chaplain Mike Saxe, a retired New York City Police officer and 9/11 first responder, will lead the program with Clermont Fire Chief David Ezell.

“We can never forget the 343 firefighters, 60 police officers, eight emergency medical technicians and 55 military service members we lost that day 21 years ago, but we also need to understand that we continue to lose first responders everyday who succumb to infirmities developed from toxins we were all exposed to as we responded to the World Trade Center that day,” Chief Broadway said. “Those first responders ran into danger toward evil that day and did their part to save countless people. And that is what first responders do every single day.”

A very special message will be delivered by Jimmy Brown, a former New York City Police Officer and a medically trained New York City firefighter who survived 9/11. A retired United States Marine, he lives with his family in Central Florida and works with the Orange County Sheriff’s Office. 

Mr. Brown is trained in peer support, suicide prevention, crisis intervention, Critical Incident Stress Management and continues to advocate for the mental health of first responders. His shared experience is part of “Project Liberty” and the National Geographic documentary 9/11 Firehouse.

The Clermont Fire, Police, Marine Corps League Southlake Detachment and U.S. Naval Sea Cadets Corps honor guards, along with the City of Mount Dora Pipes and Drums, will present the colors. Memorial traditions including the ringing of a ceremonial fire bell, a 21-gun salute and playing of “Taps” will also be observed.

Outside, the Clermont Police Department 9/11 memorial vehicle will be on display and a giant American flag will fly high from the top of a Clermont Fire truck.

“Ceremonies like this allow us to honor the memory of our brothers and sisters who gave their lives and it ensures their legacy is always remembered, always honored and passed along to each new generation of first responders,” Chief Ezell said.  

Sonny’s BBQ is sponsoring a reception immediately following the ceremony.

Cancelled -- August 2022 Detachment Meeting

Friends and members of South Lake Detachment #1120.

This is a special announcement for our August 2022 membership meeting.

The August 2022 meeting has been cancelled. This was due to multiple conflicts involving the MCL National Convention being conducted in Daytona Beach, and Honor Guard needs at the celebration of life event for Edward Spikoski, a pending Detachment member.

For those Detachment members wishing to attend the celebration of life event for Edward Spikoski as members of the Detachment Honor Guard, details are as follows:

FORMAT: Honor Guard for Edward Spikowski

DATE: Tuesday, August 9, 2022.

TIME: Beginning at 6:00pm.

LOCATION: 10639 Toad Road, Clermont, FL 34711 (MAP), the DreamCatcher Horse Rescue Center (LINK)


Thanks in advance for understanding these changes.

Yours in service,

Robert Keith, Commandant South Lake Detachment #1120

July 2022 MCL Meeting Announcement

Good morning friends and members of South Lake Detachment #1120.

For our July 19, 2022 event, Fellowship hour begins at 5pm, followed by the regular Detachment business meeting for membership at 6:30pm.

Please do come to the Fellowship time if your schedule allows.

Meeting details as follows:

FORMAT: Fellowship Event open to all, followed by business meeting for membership.

DATE: Tuesday, July 19, 2022.

TIME: 5:00pm-6:00pm (business meeting to begin 6:30pm).

LOCATION: Minneola City Hall, 800 US Hwy 27 North, Minneola, FL 34715 (MAP).

MEMBERSHIP DRESS CODE: UNDRESS BLUES or RED detachment polo shirt with MCL Cover.



Friendship, fellowship, and fun are the goals of our Detachment … as well as our events. We welcome each of you to please attend and make it a special gathering. See you there next Tuesday.

Yours in service,

Rob Keith, Commandant South Lake Detachment #1120

June 2022 MCL Meeting Announcement

Good morning friends and members of South Lake Detachment #1120.

For our June 2022 event, Fellowship hour begins at 5pm, followed by the regular Detachment business meeting for membership at 6:30pm.

Please do come to the Fellowship time if your schedule allows.

Meeting details as follows:

FORMAT: Fellowship Event open to all, followed by business meeting for membership.

DATE: Tuesday, June 21, 2022.

TIME: 5:00pm-6:00pm (business meeting to begin 6:30pm).

LOCATION: Minneola City Hall, 800 US Hwy 27 North, Minneola, FL 34715 (MAP).

MEMBERSHIP DRESS CODE: BLACK detachment polo shirt with MCL Cover.



Friendship, fellowship, and fun are the goals of our Detachment … as well as our events. We welcome each of you to please attend and make it a special gathering. See you there next Tuesday.

Yours in service,

Rob Keith, Commandant South Lake Detachment #1120

May MCL Meeting Announcement

Good morning friends and members of South Lake Detachment #1120.

For our May 2022 event, Fellowship hour begins at 5pm, followed by the regular Detachment business meeting for membership at 6:30pm.

Please do come to the Fellowship time if your schedule allows.

Meeting details as follows:

FORMAT: Fellowship Event open to all, followed by business meeting for membership.

DATE: Tuesday, May 17, 2022.

TIME: 5:00pm-6:00pm (business meeting to begin 6:30pm).

LOCATION: Minneola City Hall, 800 US Hwy 27 North, Minneola, FL 34715 (MAP).

MEMBERSHIP DRESS CODE: RED detachment polo shirt with MCL Cover.



Friendship, fellowship, and fun are the goals of our Detachment … as well as our events. We welcome each of you to please attend and make it a special gathering. See you there next Tuesday.

Yours in service,

Rob Keith, Commandant South Lake Detachment #1120

April MCL Meeting Announcement

Good morning friends and members of South Lake Detachment #1120.

For our April 2022 event, Fellowship hour begins at 5pm, followed by the regular Detachment business meeting for membership at 6:30pm.

Please do come to the Fellowship time if your schedule allows.

Meeting details as follows:

FORMAT: Fellowship Event open to all, followed by business meeting for membership.

DATE: Tuesday, April 19, 2022.

TIME: 5:00pm-6:00pm (business meeting to begin 6:30pm).

LOCATION: Minneola City Hall, 800 US Hwy 27 North, Minneola, FL 34715 (MAP).

MEMBERSHIP DRESS CODE: UNDRESS BLUES or RED detachment polo shirt with MCL Cover.



Friendship, fellowship, and fun are the goals of our Detachment … as well as our events. We welcome each of you to please attend and make it a special gathering. See you there next Tuesday.

Yours in service,

Rob Keith, Commandant South Lake Detachment #1120

March MCL Meeting Announcement

Good morning friends and members of South Lake Detachment #1120.

For our March 2022 event, our Fellowship hour begins at 5pm, followed by the regular Detachment business meeting for membership beginning at 6:30pm.

Please do come to the Fellowship time if your schedule allows.

Finally, our new meeting room layout experiment from February proved to provide much more spacing than before.

Meeting details as follows:

FORMAT: Fellowship Event open to all, followed by business meeting for membership.

DATE: Tuesday, March 15, 2022.

TIME: 5:00pm-6:00pm (business meeting to begin 6:30pm).

LOCATION: Minneola City Hall, 800 US Hwy 27 North, Minneola, FL 34715 (MAP).

MEMBERSHIP DRESS CODE: BLACK detachment polo shirt with MCL Cover.



Friendship, fellowship, and fun are the goals of our Detachment … as well as our events. We welcome each of you to please attend and make it a special gathering. See you there next Tuesday.

Yours in service,

Rob Keith, Commandant South Lake Detachment #1120

February MCL Meeting Annoucement

Hello one and all,

Your Detachment 2022 Officers were elected and installed at the last meeting. Click HERE for information.

Our team is excited and looking ahead. The Detachment came through the pandemic with more members and very good financials. Our monthly dinners are back strong. Plus both Detachment BINGO events (Trilogy and Heritage Hills) are back on stream. In fact, Trilogy had its biggest participation ever at the January 2022 event.

BINGO is our primary fundraising activity. Anyone wishing to help out in 2022 please contact me at the meeting or See date and times on our Events webpage HERE.

Our Fellowship event begins at 5pm, followed by the regular Detachment business meeting for membership beginning at 6:30pm.

Please do come to the Fellowship event if your schedule allows.

Finally, we are trying a new room layout to provide much more spacing than before.

Meeting details as follows:

FORMAT: Fellowship Event open to all, followed by business meeting for membership.

DATE: Tuesday, February 15, 2022.

TIME: 5:00pm-6:00pm (business meeting to begin 6:30pm).

LOCATION: Minneola City Hall, 800 US Hwy 27 North, Minneola, FL 34715 (MAP).

MEMBERSHIP DRESS CODE: RED detachment polo shirt with MCL Cover.



Friendship, fellowship, and fun are the goals of our Detachment … as well as our events. We welcome each of you to please attend and make it a special gathering. See you there next Tuesday.

Yours in service,

Rob Keith, Commandant South Lake Detachment #1120