Cancelled -- August 2022 Detachment Meeting
Friends and members of South Lake Detachment #1120.
This is a special announcement for our August 2022 membership meeting.
The August 2022 meeting has been cancelled. This was due to multiple conflicts involving the MCL National Convention being conducted in Daytona Beach, and Honor Guard needs at the celebration of life event for Edward Spikoski, a pending Detachment member.
For those Detachment members wishing to attend the celebration of life event for Edward Spikoski as members of the Detachment Honor Guard, details are as follows:
FORMAT: Honor Guard for Edward Spikowski
DATE: Tuesday, August 9, 2022.
TIME: Beginning at 6:00pm.
LOCATION: 10639 Toad Road, Clermont, FL 34711 (MAP), the DreamCatcher Horse Rescue Center (LINK)
Thanks in advance for understanding these changes.
Yours in service,
Robert Keith, Commandant South Lake Detachment #1120